Return to T/E-Senior Trainer/Evaluator Sessions

T/E Session at Perfect North Slopes

Please read and electronically sign the waiver/release below.  Be sure to select location PNS on the form.   Remember to enroll with National Office for NSP credit.  The course number is C137170023.

PNS Sr TE Clinic-C137170023


    Select Location with course number (Required).

    Check here to confirm your signature to and acceptance of the release displayed above.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Are you a current OEC Instructor?YesNo

    Are you a new T/E candidate, an existing T/E seeking recertification or a new Senior Candidate?

    Are you available to participate in the 2/10/2019 test? YesNo

    Your Address (required)

    Phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)

    Home Patrol (required)

    NSPID# (required)

    DO NOT hit submit twice, it may take a minute or two.


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