Category: Posts

Closed Events due to Weather

Much to our disappointment the weather is just not cooperating this year.  Please check our events page for closures.

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Pictures from MTR 2, 2018

Enjoy pictures from Lake Hope, November, 2018.

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2019 On Snow Events in the Ohio Region

Most, but not all of the Ohio Region on snow events for this season are ready for sign-up.  If you are interested in attending an SES, TES, or a senior-specific event, follow this link.  Once on our events page, the active events will be underlined.  Select your event/events and get signed up!  Note the course …

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Snow Trails TE Cancelled

The TE Clinic at SnowTrails on December 16th has been canceled.

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Senior T/E Clinics

Just a reminder…. the T/E Clinic at Mad River is scheduled for Saturday 12/1. If you plan to attend and have not registered, please do so.  This is open to Sr OEC Candidates as well as instructors interested in becoming T/Es. The T/E Clinic scheduled for 12/16 at Snow Trails may be cancelled due to …

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Snow is flying in Ohio!

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Senior Trainer/Evaluator Sessions

There are 2 Trainer/Evaluator sessions open for registration.  Mad River Mountain on December 1, 2018 and another December 16, 2018 at Snow Trails.  This session is required for all Senior OEC Trainer/Evaluators at least every 3 years to maintain T/E status.   Sign-up here.

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Ohio & NSP goes to Bridge day

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Bike Patrol

Nsp Subaru goes on bike patrol in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

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PSIA-AASI announces the Nancy Oakes Hall Memorial Womens Scholarship

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