The following links will take you to the appropriate Ohio sign-up pages for events happening in the Ohio Region. Some events (SES & Senior Tests) require a fee be paid. Note: you will be redirected to Paypal for payment. Check Ohio Regions event list or calendar for event dates.
Be sure to enroll yourself in any class you decide to take with Ohio on (Center for Learning) There is no charge to enroll with National. This will provide a mechanism for tracking your course credits. Following your sign-up on the region page, note the course name, location, and date on the waiver, you will need it. For more information see NSP Enrollment.
Alpine Valley Most Valuable Patroller Events
Instructor Continuing Education
- OEC/ID Continuing Education Session
- Senior Trainer/Evaluator Session
Senior Electives
- Avalanche Awareness
- Avalanche Level 1 Module 1
- Mountain Travel & Rescue Level 1
- Mountain Travel & Rescue Level 2
OEC Enhancement Seminar
- Instructor Development E-Course
- E-course: Enroll with NSP only for this online class. There is no charge or Ohio registration.
- Instructor Development Class/Teaching Session
Senior Module Events & Testing
- OEC Module of Senior and or ARM Module (CANDIDATES ONLY)
- Ski Module of Senior Test
- Toboggan Module of Senior Test
SnowSport Enhancement (SES) ($25)
** Please view & select the date and location on the registration form.
***Staff only: Please use this Staff only link to your Waiver
SnowSport Trainers Workshop (STW)
** Please view & select the date and location on the registration form.
***Staff only: Please use this Staff only link to your Waiver
Toboggan Enhancement (TES) (free)
** Please view & select the date and location on the registration form
Toboggan Trainers Workshop (TTW) (free)
** Please view & select the date and location on the registration form
Ohio Region Women’s Program
- Women’s Clinic
Women’s D-Team
- NSP Certified Event Training /Pre-Qualification Event
*The following online form can be used to evaluate on snow training programs.
Online Evaluation of On-snow Events (excluding Senior)