This course was designed to allow students to have flexibility of not attending a formal class room. Our entire Ohio Region can participate in the same class. Upon completion of the E-Course (online portion) , the student downloads the certificate. They will bring the certificate as well as a completed six pack to a face-to-face class. The face to face class Date will be anounced soon.
After completing the face-to-face class, they are ready for mentoring. The new instructor candidate Is ready to be placed with a mentor from the NSP decipline of choice.
This E-Class starts Feb 18th for online portion. Enrollment and access to the online E-Class is as follows:
Sign into, click on Member Resources tab. Click the courses tab and enroll in the class using course number C106170013. Offered from 2/18/17 through 3/4/17. This is to ensure you are credited for the class at National Office Data Base.