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Instructor Development E-Class

This course was designed to allow students to have flexibility of not attending a formal class room.  Our entire Ohio Region can participate in the same class.  Upon completion of the E-Course (online portion) , the student downloads the certificate.  They will bring the certificate as well as a completed six pack to a face-to-face class. The face to face class Date will be anounced soon.

After completing the face-to-face class, they are ready for mentoring.  The new instructor candidate Is ready to be placed with a mentor from the  NSP decipline of choice.

This  E-Class starts Feb 18th for online portion.  Enrollment and access to the online E-Class is as follows:

Sign into,  click on Member Resources tab.  Click the courses tab and enroll in the class using course number C106170013. Offered from 2/18/17 through 3/4/17.   This is to ensure you are credited for the class at National Office Data Base.

Click on Online Learning button and then enter the Online Learning Management System.  Click on the Courses tab at the top of the Online Learning page.  Click on Instructor Development.  This will launch the Draft Instructor Development course and you can begin Chapter 1.  Every page must be completed in entirety in order to progress. As you finish each chapter, click on NSP tab at the top of the page to continue to the next chapter.  Please contact Kim Corrigan at with any questions.

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