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Senior Test-Ski Module

We are so excited you are interested in participating in our Ski Module of Senior Test.  The cost for this test session is $25.00.  We will be using PayPal, exclusively.  You will be redirected to the PayPal site after signing up.

In order to attend any NSP event you must sign a waiver, so let’s get that out of the way first.

Sr Ski and Ride waiver 2024


    Check here to confirm your signature to and acceptance of the release displayed above.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Select Ski, Board or tele (required)

    Your Address (required)

    Phone number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)

    Home Patrol (required)

    NSPID# (required)


    Are you a student or instructor/event staff? Please select only 1 option by placing a #1 in your selection; there is no charge for event staff. Your registration is submitted when you select the PayPal button.

    Student: OR Event staff:

    [calculate_button "Calculate your total $"]

    Please wait for PayPal. You will be registered & redirected to PayPal for payment.

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