For people interested in the Certified pre-qualification/Recert event, it is being held at PNS on January 6-7th, 2018. Visit the Event Sign up if you plan to participate as a candidate or support staff.
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Nov 30 2017
New season, new look.
As we gear up for a new season, we also have a new look for our web. Enjoy.
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Nov 20 2017
Senior Trainer/Evaluator Sessions
Are you a current senior T/E due for recertification, interested in becoming a T/E or are you a senior OEC Candidate? There will be 2 T/E education Sessions in the near future. The first being held way up north on December 3rd. The second is to be held down south on December 16th. View the sessions and sign up by going to the event page.
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Nov 20 2017
Sign-up now open
Get ready for a great season. SnowSports and Toboggan events are on the calendar & open for sign-up.
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Nov 17 2017
SnowSports Enhancement Sign-up is open
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Nov 14 2017
Snow Sports And Toboggan Seminars
The Ohio Region Toboggan and Snow Sports Enhancement Seminar dates are on the calendar. Save the dates. Sign-up for the events will open soon. Remember all sign-up and fee payment is online at Enrollment for credit is on
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Nov 05 2017
Step up and Join Region Staff
Ohio Region is still accepting applications for Region Staff until November 15. Come join our Region leadership Team. Read about and apply for positions.
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Oct 08 2017
Open ID E-Course
There is an Instructor Development E-course now open. Course # C137170020 . Enroll on NSP.ORG. The next planned teaching session will be held at Mad River on November 18th.
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Sep 24 2017
Ohio Region Fall Meeting
Ohio Region is holding the 2017 fall meeting in Columbus at the Winking Lizard Crossroads Banquet Room. 100 Hutchinson Avenue,
Columbus, OH 43235. Lunch will start at 12:00 pm and the meeting will begin at 12:30. If you plan to join us please register so we can get a count for accommodations. Thanks!
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