Central Division Ski Patrol Festival: Boyne Highlands   Dec 10-11, 2022

The Ohio Region NSP would like to inform you about 2022 Central Division Ski Patrol Festival held at Boyne Highlands, MI   December 10-11.  Here are sessions you might be interested in checking out.

Session 7: Toboggan Trainers Prep Clinic:
This is a session for Toboggan Trainers who wish to sharpen their teaching and demonstrate skills with Division Staff and overall preparation for a successful Toboggan Trainer or IT candidate.  Minimum qualifications NSP Alpine Toboggan Trainer in good standing.

Session 2: Snowsports Trainers Workshop

Session Will Provide:  Focus on skiing/ride fundamentals and benchmarks as defined by PSIA/AASI in the Alpine Technical Manual and Snowboard Technical Manual for Region snow sports trainers.   This will also include Movement Analysis, Video review, and Movement Learning activities.

Session 3: PSIA/AASI Prep Workshop for NSP Trainers:

Designed for Region Trainers who already have their Level I or 2 PSIA certification and are actively preparing for their Level 2 or 3 examination.

Session 8: PSIA Alpine Level 1 Exam

Must be a member of PSIA and trying out for Level 1 certification.  You will be required to complete the online components prior to the on the snow assessment. Registration for this event must be done through PSIA. Contact psia@nspcd.org for questions.

Certification and Recertification sessions for IT’s, Senior Toboggan Trainers/Evaluators and Senior Ski/Ride Trainer Evaluators.  Contact ohioregionoet@gmail.com for more information.


Although we would love to have everyone attend, this event is open to the entire division and enrollment has been limited by the resort.  If you are interested, please use the link for nominations (you can nominate yourself).  We will let you know if you have been selected to attend by Nov. 1 so complete the form ASAP.  If not selected please know Central Division will also be holding a spring event at Crystal Mountain, March 9-10 with even more events. 


Permanent link to this article: https://www.ohionsp.org/central-division-ski-patrol-festival-boyne-highlands-dec-10-11

Become an Alumni Member Today

Have you taken a break or retired from patrolling? If you want to stay connected with NSP and were a patroller for at least one year (excluding candidates), you can become an alumni member.  Read on about this great option


Permanent link to this article: https://www.ohionsp.org/become-an-alumni-member-today

Awards – Service and Outstanding

For the past two ski seasons, we have not been able to have an awards banquet or recognize years of service and award winners.  This year we were able to meet and present our years of service and outstanding award recipients.  Please take time to view and help celebrate our patrollers!


Permanent link to this article: https://www.ohionsp.org/awards-service-and-outstanding

2022 Region Banquet and Awards Ceremony

 The deadline for registration is April 23rd,   Registration is now closed.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.ohionsp.org/2022-region-banquet-and-awards-ceremony

2022 Women’s Program Event

The 2022 Women’s Program Event Registration is now open.  Registration is limited so sign up now!

Remember to enroll with national for course credit.

Look for-TES-C119220002  if you plan to toboggan and

SES-C119220003  If you only plan to ski.  You may also choose both. 


Permanent link to this article: https://www.ohionsp.org/2022-womens-program-event

Happy New Year

Our winter is getting off to a slow start, but the weather forecast looks promising!  Check out the Ohio Region Web Events page for upcoming events.  We have S & T events and Senior events;  something for everyone.  Take a look at what our Region has to offer and come join us at a 2022 Region event.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.ohionsp.org/happy-new-year

Senior Module OEC Testing

On February 5, the Senior OEC test will be held a PNS.  This is a location change from Snow Trails.  Candidate registration,   Aid Room Management, as well as Support Team Registration, is now open!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.ohionsp.org/senior-module-oec-testing

Cancelled! 2021 Ohio Region Meeting & Award Celebration

Ohio Region Fall Meeting and Awards dinner scheduled for Saturday, October 23 has been canceled. 
The Region staff will still meet on the 23rd via Zoom to conduct the Fall Meeting. If you had already registered for the event, a refund will be distributed within the coming days. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to see you on the snow soon!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.ohionsp.org/2021-ohio-region-meeting-award-celebration

OEC ITs Needed

We are looking to fill a couple more spots on our Fall Quality Assurance Schedule.  If you are available your help would be much appreciated.  Follow this link to review and sign up.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.ohionsp.org/oec-it-needed

Central Division 2021 Fall Meeting & Banquet

Plan to Attend – the Central Division meeting and Awards Banquet hosted by the Southern Region of the Central Division:
     Location: Chestnut Mountain Resort in Beautiful Galena, IL
     Dates: September 10-12, 2021
     Banquet: Saturday, September 11
     Activities: FUN! Education, Celebration, and more….
     Registration Starts July 1. Here is a registration Link:

Hotel Rooms Link:


Permanent link to this article: https://www.ohionsp.org/central-division-2021-fall-meeting-banquet