Senior Program New

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Dates & Deadlines

Applications & Forms



The Senior Program is designed to provide a forum in which patrollers can enhance personal skiing/snowboarding and toboggan-handling proficiency, improve their ability to manage OEC-related problems, and expand their overall patrolling knowledge and skills. In addition, the program prepares patrollers for leadership roles within the NSP. Any NSP member in good standing may enroll in the Senior Patroller program at any time after advancing beyond candidate status and has (a) at least one season of experience and (b) their Patrol Representative recommends them for the Senior Program.
The Senior Program consists of two pathways, the “Senior Alpine Patroller” and the Senior Patroller”. Each pathway consists of core elements and elective requirements that must be completed successfully.
The “Senior Alpine Patroller” is a program that encompasses Alpine (ski and snowboard), Nordic, and OEC disciplines and has appropriate variations in required elements for each.

The criteria for obtaining “Senior Alpine Patroller” are:
a) Must pass the Senior Alpine (ski/snowboard) test
b) Must pass the Senior Toboggan handling test
c) Must pass the Senior Module of OEC
d) Must complete 3 electives

The “Senior Patroller” is a program that focuses on the OEC disciplines. The criteria for obtaining “Senior Alpine Patroller” are:
a) Must pass the Senior Module of OEC
b) Must pass the Senior Aid Room Module
c) Must complete 4 electives

Training is an essential part of the program. Senior program candidates are expected to spend a significant amount of time reviewing senior criteria and using the required knowledge and skills to practice scenarios on a challenging, senior-level terrain under various conditions in the patrolling environment well as in Emergency Management (OEC).

Senior program candidates are responsible for maintaining their own records of clinics and courses attended and completed. The Ohio Region Senior Program Advisor maintains each Senior program candidate’s core requirements along with their senior program and clinic applications. The Senior Program Advisor makes this information available to advisors, clinic instructors, patrol directors, and candidates.

Once you have completed your Senior components and achieved your Senior status, fill out the Core and Activities and Elections form. This form must be submitted to your Patrol Representative for their signature and mailed to the National Office: NSP National Office, 133 South Van Gorden Street, Suite 100, Lakewood CO 80228. A copy of the completed form must be sent to the Ohio Region Senior Program Administrator.
For more information, contact Chris Miller, Senior Program Administrator at


Applications and Forms

Ohio Region Senior Applications

 Submit a New Senior Candidate App Online

If you would like to enter the Senior program, please fill out an “on-line” application on the Central Division Website.  The above link will take you directly to the correct location.  Read the application carefully and follow all directions. During the application process, you will be requested to create a password.  This will permit you to update the application as electives are completed.  Only list electives that have been completed. 

Once you submit the application, a copy will be automatically emailed to the Ohio Region Senior Advisor. Please submit this application ONE MONTH before the test you plan to take. Once you have submitted the Senior Application, please complete the Application to TEST for the Senior Module that you plan to take as described below. Once a New Senior Candidate Application has been received by the Ohio Region Senior Advisor, you are enrolled in the Senior Program for as long as it takes to complete this program. 

Registration to TEST for Senior:

Once your “Application to JOIN the Senior Program” has been approved by your PR, you may register for a scheduled Senior Program Test.  Please visit the Ohio Region Events Sign-up page.  There you will find all of the Senior Program events, from ski or toboggan prep clinics to the actual testing sessions.

Alpine Sign Offs for Ski/Board and Toboggan: Must receive two sign-offs from a Senior Rated Ski/Board Evaluator/Trainer and one sign-off from a Senior rated Toboggan Evaluator/Trainer.  It is recommended that these sign-offs are obtained from a Senior Rated Hill.

Senior OEC Sign Off Forms   Sign-off forms must be submitted to the Ohio Region Senior OEC Program Advisor

Senior Application:

Once you have completed your Senior components and achieved your Senior status, fill out the NSP Senior Application. This form must be submitted to your Patrol Representative for their signature and mailed to the National Office: NSP National Office, 133 South Van Gorden Street, Suite 100, Lakewood CO 80228. A copy of the completed form must be sent to the Ohio Region Senior Program Administrator.

For more information, contact Chris Miller, Senior Program Administrator,

Dates & Deadlines

Testing Logistics:

1) ARM Evaluation
Saturday, December 7th, 2024
Location: Mad River Mountain
Suggested Start TIme: 3:00 PM

1B) Senior OEC Scenario Calibration
Saturday, December 7th, 2024
Location: Mad River Mountain
Suggested / Desired Start Time: 5:30 PM
Dinner following is being coordinated by Sallie Evans. More details to come,

3) Senior OEC Evaluation
Sunday, December 8th, 2024
Location: Mad River Mountain
SetUp & Registration: 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM
Kickoff Meeting: 8:30 AM
Depart for Stations: 8:45 AM
Candidate departure for 1st stations at 9:00 am
The Ohio Region website now has active sign-up links for both support team and candidates.
Senior T/E’s, Trained Help, Patients:

4.) Ohio Region Sr Ski/Ride and Sr Toboggan test is to be held at Boston Mills on the mornings of Feb 22nd and Feb 23rd. Candidates should arrive by 830 am for registration. Sr sign-offs are due by midnight Feb 9th. Please register on NSP for whichever discipline you plan to test for by Feb 16th and please sign online waiver.  The waiver is found on the Ohio Region Events page.


Senior Toboggan Evaluator Observation Form

Senior Ski/Ride Evaluator Observation Form

Approved Senior Electives:  A list of NSP approved Education and Leadership electives may be found in the “Senior Program Outline” document located on the Senior Page of NSP Website. In addition, the Ohio Region has approved the “Senior Aid Room Management Module” as an elective that may be used to obtain “Senior Alpine Patroller”.

Ski/Board/Toboggan Resources

Central Division Senior Manual

NSP “Ski Patroller’s Manual”
This manual is a free manual that can be downloaded from the NPS Online Store.



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